We gladly welcome you to participate in our conference, which provides an opportunity for young researchers, teachers and PhD students to present and discuss their research results.
Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania
invite you to the
12th Annual International Conference on Economics and Business
Value changes in a transforming economy,
which takes place in Miercurea Ciuc (Romania), Piata Libertatii, nr.1
5-6 JUNE, 2015
The main focus of the conference is on global and local problems in management and economics regarding practice and theory in the 21st century. It is recommended to scientists, researchers and representatives of the economic and business sector. An additional goal of the conference is to provide a space for discussion for academics and professionals interested in business, planning, organization and human resources issues as well as in agribusiness, sustainable development and regional economics.
The language of the international conference is English and Hungarian (without translation).
The selected papers proposed by the Scientific Committee will be published in a proceedings volume with ISBN after the conference. All the papers will be published on CD with ISBN.
The registration form can be downloaded from: http://ghtk.csik.sapientia.ro/hu/hirek/ecconf
The registration must include an abstract of the paper in English or in Hungarian language (max. 500 words).
Important deadlines:
Registration and Abstract: 15 April 2015
Abstract acceptance: 20 April 2015
Submission of Papers: 8 May 2015
Registration fee and additional costs payment
by bank transfer: 15 May 2015
Abstract: Abstracts must be submitted in our online registration system, therefore the following requirements are supervised by automatic controls and some of these are made automatically. Locate the paper title in bold in the middle of the first line, then insert an empty line followed by name(s) of author(s), title(s) and address(es).
Paper format: Papers are accepted in English language, 10-15 pages long
Font: Times New Roman 12, line feed 1, left, right, bottom and top margins 2.5 cm. Locate paper title in bold in the middle of the first line, then insert an empty line followed by the name(s) of author(s) and title(s). Figures are only accepted in black and white colors.
Recommended paper structure is: Abstract (English), Key words (max. 5), Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, References, Author's address.
Conference fee:
One publication | 25 EUR |
One publication for Phd students Two publications | 15 EUR 40 EUR |
Participation without publication | 30 EUR |
The registration fee includes the participation at the conference, CD with all papers, lunch and dinner on 5 June, conference tour and dinner on 6 June.
Payment of conference fee is possible at the conference as well.
Bank account:
RO56 OTPV 2600 0007 3814 EU04
Beneficiary - the full name and address:
UNIVERSITATEA SAPIENTIA PL MIERCUREA CIUC, Piata Libertatii Nr.1 M-Ciuc Bankinstitut: OTP BANK ROMANIA, sucursala Miercurea Ciuc
IBAN: RO56 OTPV 2600 0007 3814 EU04
International Economic Conference 2015 + surname and name of the participant (important for payment identification, please do not forget to include this information in your payment order).
5 June, 2015
9:00-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:30 Opening ceremony
10:30-13:00 Plenary presentations
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-18:00 Presentations in parallel sessions
19:00 Dinner
Presentations in parallel sessions
Time: before lunch
Conference tour
Time: after lunch
More information
Adress: Miercurea Ciuc, judeţul Harghita, Piaţa Libertăţii nr. 1., 530104
Tel.: +40-266-314-657
Fax: +40-266-372-099
E-mail: spientia_economic_conferenceyahoo.com
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11th Annual International Conference on Economics and Business
We would be glad to see you among the participants of the Conference.
Our conference provides opportunity for researchers, teachers and PhD students to meet and to represent their research results.
Lansare de carte: Inocenții marii terori
Evenimentul va avea loc la Universitatea Sapientia.
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Sesiune ştiinţifică la Universitatea Sapientia
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Conferinţa Ştiinţifică a Studenţilor de la facultăţile din Miercurea Ciuc a Universitatăţii Sapientia a fost organizat între 18-19 aprilie în Aula Mică.
Ziua poeziei
Pe 18 aprilie facultăţile din Miercurea Ciuc a Universităţii Sapientia au sărbătorit Ziua poeziei.
Efectele mass-mediei asupra copiilor şi tinerilor
Mulţi viermi ajung departe
135 elevi şi 35 de profesori din 21 de şcoli vor veni peste o săptămână la Facultatea de Ştiinţe la concursul Viermişorul de laborator. Din cele 45 de echipe 28 vor concura în domeniul chimiei şi 17 în domeniul biologiei.
Bursa Komyathy - rezultate
Un domn din America de origine maghiară, Brian Komyathy, a înfiinţat o bursă de 2000 RON pentru doi studenţi în anul III. la specializarea Comunicare şi relaţii publice. Am afişat rezultatele!
Viermişorul de laborator III.
S-a încheiat prima etapă a concursului naţional Viermişorul de laborator. Etapa a doua va avea loc pe 27 ianuarie 2012, unde mai mult de 150 de elevi din toată ţara vor veni pentru a-şi evalua cunoştinţele dobândite.
Keresési javaslat: tandíj hozzájárulás
Írjon be szöveget, adjon meg webhelycímet vagy fordítson le egy dokumentumot.
Universitatea „Sapientia” este o instituție autonomă a maghiarilor din România, care și-a definit principala menire în a-i asigura acestei comunităţi naţionale o educaţie şi o viaţă ştiinţifică la un nivel profesional recunoscut.
Universitatea Sapientia, Facultatea de Stiinţe Economice, Socio-Umane şi Inginerești
Miercurea Ciuc, judeţul Harghita, Piaţa Libertăţii nr. 1., 530104
Tel.: +40-266-314-657, Fax: +40-266-372-099
E-mail: miercureaciucuni.sapientia.ro